Guide To Fix Windows Defender Problems [3 Methods]

Windows Defender is the built-in Anti-Virus offered by Windows 10 to its users which protects the computer from viruses and malware. Sometimes users experience problem like Windows Defender not working or automatically turning off. These 3 methods will help you fix such problems.

Getting Errors While using Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows 10? Here’re 2 Methods to Fix it

Shortcuts is feature of Windows that allow users to perform particular tasks with ease through assigned combination of keys. For example Control + C command for copy etc. If for some reasons, Keyboard shortcuts are not working in Windows 10 for you, here are multiple methods to help you fix this problem.

2 Methods to Access Disk Management Utility in Windows 10

Disk Management is one of the powerful built-in utility of windows using which you can perform various function like changing the letter of your driver, which is assigned by default from disk management when it is created.

Tutorial On How To Manually Change The IP Address in Windows 10

windows icon

IP Address is the unique numeric number that assigned to the computer by the router. Every computer has a unique IP Address which is dynamic and changes automatically whenever you restart the router.

3 Methods to Fix Issue of HDMI Port Connectivity Errors in Windows 10

Are you suffering from HDMI port issues on your Windows 10 laptop like display is not shown when connecting to projector/external monitor? Worry not, as we have covered 3 methods to help you solve HDMI connectivity issue on your Windows 10 computer.