SOLVED: Failed to Connect to Windows Service Problem

Despite new versions of Windows released at regular intervals from software giant, some of the common errors that were in there in previous versions can still be found in latest Windows. A live example of this is “Failed to Connect to Windows service” error that was faced by users of Windows 7, is still there to tease Windows 10 users.

Steps to Fix Error 0xc000021a in Windows 8, 8.1 and 10

When Windows 8 was first released with Metro UI, users complained about lot of issues. While most of such issues were addressed by Microsoft in updates released at regular intervals, some issues still remain un-solved.

Best Free Download Managers or IDM Alternatives for Windows 10 and 8

It is a digital era, whereby almost all the population has access to the internet. In this case, a major concern is on the files to be downloaded from the different platforms within the internet. Files can range from documents, music, movies and other related entities.

How to Fix “this app cannot open” Error in Windows 10

A common issue that people face while using Windows 10 is ‘this app cannot open’. This issue may have a couple of solutions but there is an easy fix that will work for all of us. Most people faces this error when they first shift to windows 10.