Guide To Link Microsoft Account To Windows 10 Digital License


Windows 10 releases its new updates from time to time which contain some awesome features that lead to and help with the stability of windows. Just note, if you re-install windows 10 or change your computer hardware, then you need to re-enter the product key in order to activate windows 10.

But with new update of windows 10 (which is called the anniversary update), you can activate windows 10 using the activation troubleshooter. In this, you need to add your Microsoft account which contain a digital license for windows 10.


how to link microsoft account to windows 10 digital license

How To Link Microsoft Account To Activate Windows 10:

Step 1: Press the buttons windows+I to open windows settings and click on update and security option.


Step 2: From the menu, select Activation option and then click on “Add an Account” located under Add a Microsoft Account.

Step 3: Then You need to enter the email address and click next. If you don’t have an account, then click on “Create One!” and follow the instruction to create new account.

Step 4: After that you will have to enter the password of your account and then click on “Sign In”.


Step 5: Successfully completing the “signing In” credentials. Then you will have to enter the password for your current local account on windows and click next.

Step 6: After following the above steps, you will be able to link Microsoft Account to Windows 10 Digital License.

Step 7: For self satisfaction, you need to go to settings->Update and security->Activation. In Activation window, you will see the message “Windows is activated with a digital license linked to your Microsoft Account”.

Step 8: At last Restart your computer to save changes.

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