Play Super Mario Run Without Active Internet Connection on iPhone


Try this tweak to play Super Mario Run without active internet connection and jailbreak on your iPhone on iOS 10.


Nintendo newly released Super Mario Run proved out to be huge success as the game was downloaded over 50 million times in just 5 days of its release. If you have played classic Mario game on old good saga game discs connected with TV, you will see lot of similarities with that classic game.

Once you install the game, the first thing you will notice will be the same old classic logo of Super Mario Run on your iPhone homescreen that will bring nostalgic feelings of old childhood days. This is the thing which Nintendo is cashing in the form of huge price tag. Yes, you heard it right, Super Mario Run isn’t a free game rather you are just free to play first three rounds.


Once you accomplish them, you will be asked to pay $9.99 to continue playing the game by unlocking all levels etc. To protect the game from piracy, Nintendo has made another restrictions which is that the game requires active internet connection. So if you have been dreaming to pass the time on subway or on airplane by playing Super Mario Run, you better try some other stuff.

Here we always strive best to bring solutions to most popular problems users have been facing all over the World and this is one of them. We solved one problem previously by guiding you to legally unlock all levels on Super Mario Run on iPhone for free.

Today we will be sharing a method to help you play Super Mario Run on your iPhone without an active internet connection to save both your data and battery life.


How to Play Super Mario Run Without Active Internet Connection

Most network sell mobile data plans for lot of bucks and we need to be very careful about its usage. Online games like Super Mario Run eats that data like hot cakes and we simply cannot let it do this.

Thanks to a tweak called FakeInternet that will allow you keeping the mobile data turned on, while it won’t be in reality. In this way, games that requires active internet connection like Super Mario Run will think there’s internet, so it won’t give an error.

The tweak to allow you play Super Mario Run without active internet connection on your iPhone not yet available to public, however it will be soon available with support for latest iOS 10.

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